maandag 30 juni 2008


Facebook... maybe you will be thinking, why is she going to talk about facebook...
At this moment facebook is important for me. The reason for that is that after many years I am finding people back.

We all know that friends come in a certain time in our live. Some friends go, some stay. Sometimes I am thinking what happend to that person or what is that person doing in life. Thank to facebook I found some of those people back. It is strange. Some of them I haven't seen or heart from in a long time. But it seems like they still know who I am.
The best story happend to me today. Last week I had send an invititation to some friends. One of them an gu that I lived with in the dorms sended me a message that he is working again in Belgium from today on. And sitting in front of my computer, some one rang the bell of my appartment. It was him. Not knowing the address I was living, he went to the dorms an ask the keeper where I was living. He found my message yesterday and today he was here.

It is so amasing how fast the roads can come together again after a long time. And typing "roads can come together" I have to think of my Up with People adventure almost 8 years ago. Also for that facebook is just amazing. Who would have thought that after those 8 years I would find 75 people back. Some of them that I haven't seen since we left in Boston.

Life can change so much and we will always have friends, maybe they won't stay forever, but if you want you can find them back.